Check out Rise of Nature's prescription

“The person who handed me my first PaRx, also known as ParkRx or NatureRx, was a naturopathic doctor (ND). Having exhausted all treatment options with my primary care physician, I turned to alternative medicine for answers. During my lunch break, I left my claustrophobic cubicle and went to a small butterfly garden adjacent to an office building, where I suggested I take off my shoes and spend 10 minutes in the grass, feeling the cold blades tickle my toes. to stand on It was written on an actual prescription pad and I took it home with me in my bag. At first, the prescription seemed ridiculous, but I took it every day that summer. I faithfully followed it…and was surprised to find that it helped. Interacting with this little green space at lunch seemed to improve my mood in the afternoon and later in the evening. .”

Natural prescribing or “natural medicine” is on the rise among healthcare professionals. The Canadian movement launched the Park Prescriptions (PaRX) initiative in partnership with the BC Parks Foundation. This initiative provides health care professionals with nature prescription files, codes, and instructions for recording prescriptions for patients to allocate regular time in nature. In Canada, more than 5,000 physicians have enrolled in the program.

Click here to read the full article by Misty Pratt

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