The King Bird and the Beloved Sun: A Story of Eternal Longing

veil of truth

There is not only possibility in his existence, but also elements of it.

Being her center of gravity and ground zero of deeply felt safety and protection.

But most of the time he feels scared

A vortex of intertwined addictions

And the burden that holds her as both sea and sky

Who she plays with by gliding on the water

Hiding in the deep darkness of my heart

With the memory of light

Starlight and bioluminescence

and his almost insatiable enthusiasm

With a dynamic tapestry

of shadow and light

He vacillates between yes to love and fear

And I wonder if she is that person, is it all real, or is it all in my head?

Can I get into whether I'm wrong or right?

Is she worth it, is she the one, what is the truth, where is the light? ”

In all this mental training he forgets that neither the sky nor the sea is laboring

And ignorance is heavy, but truth is light

What does the sun want?

While I sometimes crave the sun

Peace of depth and silence

she wants to die every time she takes a breath

knowing she's lived long enough

To burn so brightly, to be yourself, to be fearless.

At the price of wanting to dive into silence.

This is also completely

wake up in the morning

fall at night

death is inevitable,

Even if we fall behind and push it aside until the last moment.

But once you feel trust,

There is nothing better than dying in the arms of love.

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